What are the Benefits of a Degree Apprenticeship?

We’ve made no secret of it here at Springpod: we think degree apprenticeships are pretty awesome. Not only do they offer a great alternative career pathway, some of the degree apprenticeship benefits, in our opinion, completely blow a traditional university degree out of the competition. And from what our employer partners and their apprentices tell us – we’re not alone in believing that!

But it’s you that we really want to get the good word out to about how beneficial this academic and professional pathway is.

So, here are five degree apprenticeship benefits we think will prove our point:

Earn a (decent) salary while you learn

As you’re considered an employee you’ll be paid a salary for the full duration of your program.

Apprenticeship salaries have had some bad press, and with the National Minimum Wage being somewhat lower for apprentices it’s easy to see why. But degree apprenticeships are different:

Which we don’t think is too sad at all!

Say goodbye to student loan debt

Not only will you earn a salary, but your tuition costs are also covered by the government.

We’ll repeat that: Tuition Fees. 100% paid for.

More and more young people are concerned about the rising costs of tuition fees, and the debt it will leave them in post-study. A degree apprenticeship removes this barrier and means you can get on with life debt-free.

Direct access to Industry mentoring

Having the right mentors at the start of your career is an absolutely invaluable resource to help you put your best foot forward.

The trick is finding the right mentor. And then convincing them to be your mentor.

As a degree apprentice, you’ll automatically be assigned one. This professional individual will be your Guru for advice and guidance, career pitfalls to avoid, and next steps if you want to level-up your career at the end of your program.

Challenge the ‘Status Quo

It’s a shame but a reality that there are still a lot of employers who say they can’t find graduates with the right skills and acumen to deliver in the workplace.

As a degree apprentice, you’ll be challenging the perception that young people simply aren’t career ready just by being your enthusiastic, learning-hungry self.

You can ask your friends to thank you later.

Clear career progression paths

For many graduates reaching the end of their degree, what happens next often feels like a huge mystery. The how-tos of job searching, networking, and landing that first job can be a really daunting experience.

With an apprenticeship? Not so much. Research from Gov.co.uk found that after completing their apprenticeship:

While a job at the end is fantastic, there is more a degree apprenticeship can offer you in terms of experience, upskilling yourself, making friends and (not to forget) the fully funded degree at the end of it too.

Feeling convinced but still want to know more?

Check out our Degree Apprenticeship Guide and hear what current apprentices and our employer partners have to say about their programs.

You won’t be disappointed.